Trump and Kennedy Say They’d Free Ross Ulbricht. Biden Can Do That Right Now.

Thomas Knapp: While panhandling for votes at the Libertarian National Convention over Memorial Day weekend, two non-Libertarian presidential candidates — Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — promised to free political prisoner Ross Ulbricht if elected. That promise is a big deal to Libertarians. Ulbricht, 40, is about a decade into his two life sentences, without … Continue reading Trump and Kennedy Say They’d Free Ross Ulbricht. Biden Can Do That Right Now. → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine

Voice of East: Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine By Andrew Korybko The latest military-strategic dynamics suggest that a conventional NATO intervention is seriously being considered. President Putin shared a lot of insight about the NATO-Russian proxy... Read More › - Voice of East
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What I Saw (and You Probably Didn’t) at the Libertarian National Convention

Thomas Knapp: In presidential election years, the Libertarian Party holds its national convention over Memorial Day Weekend. I returned home from my ninth such convention yesterday. Donald Trump and RFK Jr. spoke at our convention. You’ve probably heard about that. We chose a presidential ticket: Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat. You may have heard about that … Continue reading What I Saw (and You Probably Didn’t) at the Libertarian National Convention → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Much of the World Awakens to a Decades Long Genocide

Kim Petersen: Several times over the past two decades, I have written about the malevolence of Israel (and by that I mean Zionist Israel, which is predominantly Jewish, although there are likeliest quislings among the Palestinian ranks, e.g., Mahmoud Abbas). Israel is part of Historical Palestine. However, the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine wrested a […]
The post Much of the World Awakens to a Decades Long Genocide first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen
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Kashmir Diaspora Delegation Meets Pakistan’s Premier, Highlights Predicament of Political Prisoners

Voice of East: Kashmir Diaspora Delegation Meets Pakistan’s Premier, Highlights Predicament of Political Prisoners By News Desk Islamabad – A delegation of Kashmiri Diaspora met with Prime Minister Shehbaz Shareef Sahib at Prime Ministerial secretariat in Islamabad. The delegation included Dr. Ghulam Nabi... Read More › - Voice of East
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The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia

Voice of East: The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia By Andrew Korybko Secretary of State Antony Blinken finally decided to drop the charade. One of the worst-kept secrets of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine is that the... Read More › - Voice of East
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Fake News Conveniently Trivializes Supreme Court Ethics Violations

Thomas Knapp: Ah, the merry month of May — and US Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito once again faces questions relating to his ethics. Well, no, not really. What’s under question is his “impartiality.” That’s a different thing entirely … and not really a thing at all. Fake news item number one: Alito sold his stock in … Continue reading Fake News Conveniently Trivializes Supreme Court Ethics Violations → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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The Eurocrats Fear That Fico’s Attempted Assassination Will Influence Next Month’s Elections

Voice of East: The Eurocrats Fear That Fico’s Attempted Assassination Will Influence Next Month’s Elections By Andrew Korybko Instead of speaking vaguely about alleged Russian meddling, the Eurocrats are now honing their information warfare narrative to muddle the conversation about Fico’s attempted assassination and... Read More › - Voice of East
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Abbott Should Have Issued Imminent Threat Alert To Texans Along With His Perry Pardon

Thomas Knapp: Last year, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced his plan to pardon a convicted, unrepentant murderer at the first opportunity. On May 16, Abbott fulfilled his threat, terminating Daniel Perry’s 25-year sentence and putting him back on the streets of The Lone Star State. The occasion merits an Imminent Threat Alert concerning “imminent threats to safety … Continue reading Abbott Should Have Issued Imminent Threat Alert To Texans Along With His Perry Pardon → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Analysing The Strategic Importance Of Russia’s Reportedly Planned Afghan Oil Hub

Voice of East: Analysing The Strategic Importance Of Russia’s Reportedly Planned Afghan Oil Hub By Andrew Korybko Continued maritime exports to the Indian Ocean Region across the Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean Seas might be deemed strategically undependable due to tensions with the West, hence... Read More › - Voice of East
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A Former Ukrainian MP Blew The Whistle On Burisma’s Connections To Terrorism

Voice of East: A Former Ukrainian MP Blew The Whistle On Burisma’s Connections To Terrorism By Andrew Korybko The dirt that Andrey Derkach shared about Hunter’s Burisma corruption scandal made him an enemy of the American and Ukrainian governments. Former Ukrainian MP Andrey Derkach,... Read More › - Voice of East
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Hey, Rube! Why No Room for Others at the Biden/Trump Debate Circus?

Thomas Knapp: Will Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. participate in either of the two presidential election debates thus far announced by the Joe Biden and Donald Trump campaigns? How about independents Cornel West and Afroman, Green party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Randall Terry, and whoever receives the Libertarian Party’s nomination over Memorial Day weekend? The answer, … Continue reading Hey, Rube! Why No Room for Others at the Biden/Trump Debate Circus? → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Biden’s Latest Trumpian Tariff Scheme: Buying Your Vote With Your Money

Thomas Knapp: “President Joe Biden,” USA Today reports, “is raising tariffs significantly on electric vehicles, semiconductors and several other goods imported from China, moves his administration says are meant to ‘level the playing field’ in sectors where the Biden administration has made major investments.” The USA Today story notes, in passing, one of the two real reasons for Biden’s … Continue reading Biden’s Latest Trumpian Tariff Scheme: Buying Your Vote With Your Money → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Here’s Why Russia’s Making A Fresh Push Into Ukraine’s Kharkov Region

Voice of East: Here’s Why Russia’s Making A Fresh Push Into Ukraine’s Kharkov Region By Andrew Korybko The five objectives that are enumerated in this piece encapsulate what Russia nowadays aims to achieve after over two years of intense proxy warfare with NATO. Zelensky claimed on... Read More › - Voice of East
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The Former NATO Supreme Commander’s Call To “Neutralize” Kaliningrad Is Just A Bunch Of Hot Air

Voice of East: The Former NATO Supreme Commander’s Call To “Neutralize” Kaliningrad Is Just A Bunch Of Hot Air By Andrew Korybko He knows that any first strike against Russia would spark World War III, but his hot air serves the purpose of boosting... Read More › - Voice of East
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Public Service Announcement: No, Trump and Kennedy Aren’t Libertarian Presidential Candidates

Thomas Knapp: In early May, the Libertarian Party’s national committee announced that a prominent speaker at the party’s convention over Memorial Day weekend in Washington, DC: Former US president Donald Trump. A few days later, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in a post on X (formerly Twitter), issued a challenge: “We’re both going to be … Continue reading Public Service Announcement: No, Trump and Kennedy Aren’t Libertarian Presidential Candidates → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Ukrainian Energy Company Linked To Biden Is Being Investigated For Financing Terrorism

Voice of East: Ukrainian Energy Company Linked To Biden Is Being Investigated For Financing Terrorism By Uriel Araujo Moscow is currently investigating the possibility that Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings could be involved in financing terrorism networks. The company is well known for its... Read More › - Voice of East
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A Polish Judge Defected To Belarus To Protest His Country’s US-Backed Warmongering Policies

Voice of East: A Polish Judge Defected To Belarus To Protest His Country’s US-Backed Warmongering Policies By Andrew Korybko The importance of his defection rests in the widespread attention that it generated in Polish society on the eve of what might soon be the... Read More › - Voice of East
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I Protest: It Is Not a Merry May

Thomas Knapp: “V-U. DAY!” proclaimed the May 2 cover of the New York Post. Despite the jubilant headline and “mostly sunny, warm” weather forecast, the national mood in early May is more malaise than morning-in-America. After all, even the classic Cold War political thriller Seven Days in May took its time revealing the scope of the challenge … Continue reading I Protest: It Is Not a Merry May → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Jesus (Sort Of) Versus the Long Arm of Washington’s Reichsfluchtsteuer

Thomas Knapp: On April 29. the US Department of Justice “unsealed” a 2023 indictment of one Roger Ver, better known in cryptocurrency circles as “Bitcoin Jesus.” He was arrested in Spain and as of this writing awaits extradition proceedings. The indictment claims that Ver failed to hand over a sufficiently large extortion payment to the US government  … Continue reading Jesus (Sort Of) Versus the Long Arm of Washington’s Reichsfluchtsteuer → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment

Voice of East: The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment By Andrew Korybko Deifying Israel and all Jews by potentially criminalizing any criticism of them, no matter how legitimate such as the first’s policies towards the Palestinians and wondering... Read More › - Voice of East
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Russia’s Only Interest In The Campus Protests For Palestine Is Exposing US Hypocrisy

Voice of East: Russia’s Only Interest In The Campus Protests For Palestine Is Exposing US Hypocrisy By Andrew Korybko Russia has already suffered from the effects of misguided pro-Palestinian activism orchestrated from abroad in late October and foreign-encouraged hate speech within its society after... Read More › - Voice of East
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How Many Babies are “Enough?”

Thomas Knapp: “Americans aren’t having enough babies,” Catherine Rampell writes at the Washington Post. “Ironically, pro-life politicians might be making the problem worse.” Her suggestion for addressing the supposed problem: “Slash the tax burden for families with young kids, a traditionally bipartisan policy that a few Republican senators are currently blocking.” I’ve got a few problems with that … Continue reading How Many Babies are “Enough?” → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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