I’d Rather See A Flag On Fire Than Wrapped Around a Politician

Thomas Knapp: “You should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag,” former (and possibly future) president Donald Trump told the hosts of Fox & Friends on July 25. In a rare moment of at least partial agreement with Trump, likely Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris says “I condemn the burning … Continue reading I’d Rather See A Flag On Fire Than Wrapped Around a Politician → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Five Takeaways From Hungary And Slovakia’s Russian Oil Dispute With Ukraine

Voice of East: Five Takeaways From Hungary And Slovakia’s Russian Oil Dispute With Ukraine By Andrew Korybko This incident shows the lengths to which Ukraine and the EU are going to keep those two in line after they united to form an anti-war bloc... Read More › - Voice of East

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The Taliban’s Recognition Of Jammu And Kashmir As Separate From Pakistan Will Irritate Islamabad

Voice of East: The Taliban’s Recognition Of Jammu And Kashmir As Separate From Pakistan Will Irritate Islamabad By Andrew Korybko The Taliban’s decision to describe the Wakhan Corridor’s south-eastern border as Jammu & Kashmir instead of Gilgit-Baltistan is a clever psychological provocation against Pakistan,... Read More › - Voice of East

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How Biden’s Last Few Months Could Be His Most Effective

Thomas Knapp: Following Joe Biden’s July 21 withdrawal from a seemingly doomed re-election campaign, Democrats instantly re-focused on picking/backing a new candidate (at the moment, vice-president Kamala Harris seems well on her way to nailing the nomination down), while Republicans took up the cry “if he’s unable to run, he’s unable to serve, and should resign or … Continue reading How Biden’s Last Few Months Could Be His Most Effective → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Windows/CrowdStrike Outage: The Most Important Lesson

Thomas Knapp: On July 19, users of about 8.5 million Windows users worldwide faced the dreaded “Blue Screen of Death.” As I write this column, many remain down. Microsoft has issued a manual fix for machines that aren’t able to automatically recover, but it’s a black eye for Microsoft and for Crowdstrike, the cybersecurity firm whose fault … Continue reading Windows/CrowdStrike Outage: The Most Important Lesson → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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The Fired This Time: Cancel Culture, Chaya Raichik Edition

Thomas Knapp: In the wake of a July 13 assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump, Chaya Raichik — better known as “LibsOfTikTok” on X, aka Twitter — got to work. Her job description, as she saw it, broke down int three parts: First, identify people commenting on the attack in ways she deemed inappropriate. Second, identify … Continue reading The Fired This Time: Cancel Culture, Chaya Raichik Edition → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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In Defence Of JD Vance As Trump’s VP

Voice of East: In Defence Of JD Vance As Trump’s VP By Andrew Korybko Despite recognizing how easily the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine could spiral out of control into World War III, and thus appreciating the need to bring about a diplomatic end... Read More › - Voice of East

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Here We Go Again With The “Political Violence” Theatrics

Thomas Knapp: “There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy,” former US president Barack Obama tweeted on July 13, in response to the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump. Former president Bill Clinton agreed: “Violence has no place in America, especially in our political process.” As did current president Joe Biden Official statement: … Continue reading Here We Go Again With The “Political Violence” Theatrics → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Texas: Staring Down the Beryl of the Government Utility Monopoly’s Gun

Thomas Knapp: As I write this, on the afternoon of June 13, nearly 650,000 homes and businesses in Texas remain without utility-provided electricity due to the effects of Hurricane Beryl. Naturally, Texas politicians know where to put the blame. No, not on a massive storm which, at times, hit Category 5 — the top of the Saffir-Simpson … Continue reading Texas: Staring Down the Beryl of the Government Utility Monopoly’s Gun → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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There is No “Israel Lobby”

Kim Petersen: Notable writer William Blum hinted acknowledgement of the power of an “Israeli lobby” in a 2004 article. [1] In his most recent Anti-Empire Report, Blum discusses again the entity that doesn’t exist: the “Israel Lobby” or the permutations of that wording, “Israeli Lobby” and “pro-Israel Lobby.” [2] The paper entitled “The Israel Lobby and U.S. […]
The post There is No “Israel Lobby” first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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Interpreting The Polish Military Chief’s Decision To Prepare For “Full-Scale Conflict”

Voice of East: Interpreting The Polish Military Chief’s Decision To Prepare For “Full-Scale Conflict” By Andrew Korybko This strongly hints that Poland isn’t ruling out a conventional intervention in Ukraine under certain circumstances and expects that it would rapidly escalate into another Polish-Russian War... Read More › - Voice of East

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The State and Homework vs. Kids

Thomas Knapp: “There is one and only one reason to ever require students to spend time at home mastering what is introduced in class,” libertarian columnist Paul Jacob writes at Common Sense, in criticism of a California bill which might result in reduced homework loads for public school students. “Only to prepare them for earning a living … Continue reading The State and Homework vs. Kids → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Why Care about Palestinians?

Kim Petersen: A man who goes by the online moniker of @Travelingisraelinfo headlines his short video very curiously: Why do you care about Palestinians? Even before listening to the video, the answer is so obvious. The Palestinians are humans aren’t they? Shouldn’t humans care for each other? Palestinians are being genocided. Genocide is a monstrous war crime. […]
The post Why Care about Palestinians? first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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The Japanese-Philippine Military Logistics Pact Raises The Risk Of War With China

Voice of East: The Japanese-Philippine Military Logistics Pact Raises The Risk Of War With China By Andrew Korybko The US is forming two Asian trilaterals with itself and Japan that are centred on the Philippines in Southeast Asia and South Korea in Northeast Asia.... Read More › - Voice of East

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NATO Membership for Ukraine is a Bargaining Chip, Not an “Irreversible” Reality

Thomas Knapp: “Two red lines remain,” the Associated Press reported on July 5, regarding the topic of Ukraine at this week’s North Atlantic Treaty organization summit: “No NATO membership until the war is over, and no NATO boots on the ground there.” But, Politico reports as the summit opens, citing two anonymous sources, one a Ukrainian official, “NATO … Continue reading NATO Membership for Ukraine is a Bargaining Chip, Not an “Irreversible” Reality → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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What is the “Horrible and Evil Thing” in Historical Palestine?

Kim Petersen: Last month, the Jimmy Dore Show invited investigative reporter Ben Swann to speak to the myriad facts and evidence uncovered that point to the Israeli government and Israeli intelligence having known well in advance of the planned 7 October Hamas attack and welcoming it. It should be an explosive news piece if not for the […]
The post What is the “Horrible and Evil Thing” in Historical Palestine? first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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Interpreting A Top EU Think Tank’s Latest Survey On Polish Attitudes Towards Ukraine

Voice of East: Interpreting A Top EU Think Tank’s Latest Survey On Polish Attitudes Towards Ukraine By Andrew Korybko While a sizeable minority of the population conforms with the stereotype of Poles being gung-ho about NATO’s proxy war on Russia in Ukraine, a roughly... Read More › - Voice of East

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Who “Runs The Country?” We Do!

Thomas Knapp: “Who runs the country?” I’ve been hearing variants of that question a lot over the last  few weeks, mainly in forms like “given Joe Biden’s age and apparent mental decline, can we trust him to run the country for another four years?” For the last eight or nine years, I’ve also heard it a lot, … Continue reading Who “Runs The Country?” We Do! → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Germany Is Preparing To Assume Partial Responsibility For Poland’s Eastern Border Security

Voice of East: Germany Is Preparing To Assume Partial Responsibility For Poland’s Eastern Border Security By Andrew Korybko This represents the unprecedented expansion of Germany military influence in the post-World War II era, which is being advanced on a false anti-Russian pretext with full... Read More › - Voice of East

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Realism and Ipse Dixit

Kim Petersen: In a 3 July interview, judge Andrew Napolitano asked the University of Chicago political scientist, John Mearsheimer: “Why would the United States be putting missiles in the Philippines but to be provocative toward China?” Mearsheimer: “I don’t think that the United States is trying to be provocative. I think what the United States is interested […]
The post Realism and Ipse Dixit first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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Israel Should Think Twice Before Sending Some Of Its Patriots To Ukraine Via The US

Voice of East: Israel Should Think Twice Before Sending Some Of Its Patriots To Ukraine Via The US By Andrew Korybko Netanyahu and those around him might not realize what a game-changer that could be in terms of drastically changing Russia’s regional policy considering... Read More › - Voice of East

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When History Doesn’t End

Thomas Knapp: “Trump Is Pat Buchanan With Better Timing” feels like a current headline eight years after it ran in Politico.  Is America trapped in a rerun of the Republican Revolution of ’94, with the platforms of “presidential candidates Buchanan, David Duke and Ross Perot — the most visible figures of the political fringe” perpetually mainstreamed? The … Continue reading When History Doesn’t End → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Election 2024: Did The First Presidential Debate Tell Us Anything We Didn’t Already Know?

Thomas Knapp: Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both old men. We already knew that. Neither’s brain can be honestly characterized as hitting on all the key cognitive cylinders. We already knew that. They’re both compulsive liars. We already knew that. Did listening to the two geezers argue about their golf handicaps in CNN’s June 27 “presidential … Continue reading Election 2024: Did The First Presidential Debate Tell Us Anything We Didn’t Already Know? → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Bribery Case Touches SCOTUS In A Tender Spot

Thomas Knapp: As a former mayor of Portage, Indiana, James Snyder will forever remain known for three things: First, steering $1.1 million in city business to Great Lakes Peterbilt for the purchase of five garbage trucks in 2013. Second, receiving a $13,000 “consulting fee” from Great Lakes Peterbilt in 2014. Third, getting the Supreme Court to pretend … Continue reading Bribery Case Touches SCOTUS In A Tender Spot → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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“Brexit” Key Figure Nigel Farage Claims That The West Provoked War With Russia

Voice of East: “Brexit” Key Figure Nigel Farage Claims That The West Provoked War With Russia By Uriel Araujo Speaking to BBC’s “Panorama” on Friday evening, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage claimed the West provoked Russia into going into a full-scale military campaign against... Read More › - Voice of East

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Julian Assange Is Released from Prison: What Does it Mean?

Kim Petersen: The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, will at long last taste freedom again. He should never have been imprisoned. Nevertheless, the release is conditional on his accepting to plead guilty to espionage in the United States — in the far-flung US territory of Saipan. There he is to be sentenced to 62 months of time already […]
The post Julian Assange Is Released from Prison: What Does it Mean? first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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A Holiday Proposal: Festivus in July!

Thomas Knapp: When, in the course of human events, it becomes obvious to all that the current American political system bears little if any resemblance to the values put forward in the 13 colonies’ July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence, it’s time to consider doing away with “Independence Day” as a positive commemoration. But not, I hold, … Continue reading A Holiday Proposal: Festivus in July! → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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What Role Did Foreign Spy Agencies Play In Sunday’s Terrorist Attacks In Dagestan?

Voice of East: What Role Did Foreign Spy Agencies Play In Sunday’s Terrorist Attacks In Dagestan? By Andrew Korybko Foreign spy agencies were likely involved to an uncertain extent, but they still relied on radicalized locals to do their dirty work, not their own... Read More › - Voice of East

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The Russian-Vietnamese Strategic Partnership Checks US Influence In Southeast Asia

Voice of East: The Russian-Vietnamese Strategic Partnership Checks US Influence In Southeast Asia By Andrew Korybko Russia is indirectly lending a helping hand to China as the centre of the New Cold War moves from Europe to Asia. The speculation among some about Vietnam’s... Read More › - Voice of East

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Don’t Buy The Tariff Lie — Real Tax Cuts Aren’t On The Table

Thomas Knapp: “If he returns to the White House,” Bloomberg reports, “Donald Trump has pledged to enact a 10% across-the-board tariff on imports that he says will raise billions of dollars in revenue to pay for more tax cuts.” He’s even floated the idea, per CNBC, of an “all tariff policy” and elimination of the federal income … Continue reading Don’t Buy The Tariff Lie — Real Tax Cuts Aren’t On The Table → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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ICC Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu Once Again Highlights Western Hypocrisy

Voice of East: ICC Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu Once Again Highlights Western Hypocrisy By Uriel Araujo Much is talked about the economic and geopolitical decline of the American superpower. The erosion of its supposed moral authority, however, is also a very concrete phenomenon, with... Read More › - Voice of East

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A Philippines-China Clash in the South China Sea

Kim Petersen: Donald Trump was likeliest correct when he told a CNN reporter: “Your organization’s terrible. … You are fake news.” The bias is so blatantly obvious in the 20 June 2024 CNN headline: “‘Only pirates do this’: Philippines accuses China of using bladed weapons in major South China Sea escalation.” To adduce that it is a […]
The post A Philippines-China Clash in the South China Sea first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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Why Does the US Want a Nuclear-Armed Iran?

Thomas Knapp: “A major expansion underway inside Iran’s most heavily protected nuclear facility could soon triple the site’s production of enriched uranium,” the Washington Post reports. That expansion “could allow Iran to accumulate several bombs’ worth of nuclear fuel every month.” Even if the reportage is accurate, two questions loom large. First: Do the Iranians want to join … Continue reading Why Does the US Want a Nuclear-Armed Iran? → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Poland Was Just As Much To Blame As Britain For Sabotaging Spring 2022’s Peace Talks

Voice of East: Poland Was Just As Much To Blame As Britain For Sabotaging Spring 2022’s Peace Talks By Andrew Korybko The risk of World War III breaking out is now higher than it’s ever been since the Cuban Missile Crisis due to the... Read More › - Voice of East

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All Vivek Murthy Wants for Christmas is a Label Maker

Thomas Knapp: “It is time to require a surgeon general’s warning label on social media platforms,” Vivek Murthy writes in a New York Times op-ed, “stating that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents.” An incredibly dumb idea, but it enjoys a certain amount of public attention because Vivek Murthy’s day job is … Continue reading All Vivek Murthy Wants for Christmas is a Label Maker → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Polish President’s Call For “Decolonizing” Russia Proved That Putin Was Right To Warn About This Plot

Voice of East: Polish President’s Call For “Decolonizing” Russia Proved That Putin Was Right To Warn About This Plot By Andrew Korybko The Polish leader also inadvertently dealt a blow to his side’s credibility since its propagandists can no longer gaslight that the West... Read More › - Voice of East

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SCOTUS Gives Trump’s Anti-Gun-Rights Record an Inconvenient Election-Year Bump

Thomas Knapp: On June 14, the US Supreme Court overturned former US president Donald Trump’s 2018 “bump stock ban.” Like many SCOTUS rulings, this outcome turned on neither the plain text and meaning of the US Constitution (under which the ban was clearly illegal) nor common sense (under which the ban was clearly idiotic — everyday objects … Continue reading SCOTUS Gives Trump’s Anti-Gun-Rights Record an Inconvenient Election-Year Bump → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Sinophobia: Communist as a Pejorative

Kim Petersen: From the Red Scare of the 1920s to the McCarthyism of the 1950s to the Reagan Crusade against the Evil Empire of the 1980s, the American people have been subjected to a relentless anti-communist indoctrination. It is imbibed with their mother’s milk, pictured in their comic books, spelled out in their school books; their daily paper offers them headlines that tell them all they need to know; ministers find sermons in it, politicians are elected with it, and Reader’s Digest becomes rich on it.

— William Blum
The post Sinophobia: Communist as a Pejorative first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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Standing Ovation: SCOTUS Gets It Right on Mifepristone

Thomas Knapp: On June 13, the US Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval (in 2000) of mifepristone, aka RU-486, aka “the abortion pill.” The court ruled unanimously, but on an issue of standing rather than on the facts. The case was brought by a group of doctors who oppose abortion and … Continue reading Standing Ovation: SCOTUS Gets It Right on Mifepristone → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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The Warsaw-Based “Ukraine Communications Group” Is The New “Disinformation Governance Board”

Voice of East: The Warsaw-Based “Ukraine Communications Group” Is The New “Disinformation Governance Board” By Andrew Korybko This multilateral platform, which brings together Western propagandists on a pro-Ukrainian pretext, can be wielded by the US Government to meddle in the coming presidential election much... Read More › - Voice of East

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Ukraine’s Plan To Store F-16s In NATO States Raises The Risk Of World War III

Voice of East: Ukraine’s Plan To Store F-16s In NATO States Raises The Risk Of World War III By Andrew Korybko It can’t be ruled out that Zelensky might task one of his pilots with carrying out a mission directly from NATO territory without... Read More › - Voice of East

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Truth or Consequences? One Political Idea Checks Both Boxes

Thomas Knapp: Among descriptions of political libertarianism, “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” probably takes the prize for both simplicity and frequency of use. It’s especially useful in an election year. The Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate generally faces high media access barriers and limited opportunities to reach “low-information voters” with the elevator pitch for smaller, cheaper, less intrusive, and … Continue reading Truth or Consequences? One Political Idea Checks Both Boxes → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Modi Sent An Unmistakable Message To China By Thanking Taiwan’s Leader For His Congratulations

Voice of East: Modi Sent An Unmistakable Message To China By Thanking Taiwan’s Leader For His Congratulations By Andrew Korybko Modi’s seemingly innocuous but deliberately scandalous tweet conveyed the message that India is prepared to play hardball with China during his third term. Chinese... Read More › - Voice of East

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Biden Should Pardon His Son — And Every Other Prisoner of the Wars on Drugs and Guns

Thomas Knapp: “Will you accept the jury’s outcome,” ABC’s  David Muir asked US president Joe Biden concerning his son Hunter’s trial on federal gun charges, “their verdict, no matter what it is?” Biden: “Yes.” Muir: “And have your ruled out a pardon for your son?” Biden: “Yes.” The younger Biden faces up to 25 years in prison … Continue reading Biden Should Pardon His Son — And Every Other Prisoner of the Wars on Drugs and Guns → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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American Mainstream Expert Calls For Global War In Three Continents

Voice of East: American mainstream expert calls for global war in three continents By Uriel Araujo Unbelievably, such bellicose calls, rather than being confined to the hate speech of extreme and fringe individuals and organizations, pass as reasonable and mainstream discourse, produced as it... Read More › - Voice of East

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The 80th D-Day Anniversary Combines Historical Revisionism With A Proxy War Powwow

Voice of East: The 80th D-Day Anniversary Combines Historical Revisionism With A Proxy War Powwow By Andrew Korybko Zelensky’s attendance has more of a practical meaning than just reinforcing historically revisionist narratives about World War II since his discussions with the American, British, French,... Read More › - Voice of East

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Somalia’s Intent To Expel Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorist Forces Exposes Its Dirty Agenda

Voice of East: Somalia’s Intent To Expel Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorist Forces Exposes Its Dirty Agenda By Andrew Korybko Somalia has the right to conduct its foreign policy however it wants and to ask those who it invited into the country to leave, but the consequences... Read More › - Voice of East

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Your Vote Versus Differences Which Make No Difference

Thomas Knapp: As you’ve no doubt heard, a New York jury closed out the merry month of May by convicting former US president Donald Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. Media — mainstream, alternative, and social — are awash with analyses of how Trump’s criminal conviction will affect votes this November. Hunter Biden, son … Continue reading Your Vote Versus Differences Which Make No Difference → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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The Clooney Foundation Is Waging Lawfare Against The Employees Of Russian Media

Voice of East: The Clooney Foundation Is Waging Lawfare Against The Employees Of Russian Media By Andrew Korybko Considering what’s at stake, the latest development in the global information war is certainly significant, but it’s premature to describe it as a game-changer since Russia... Read More › - Voice of East

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An Ethiopian Analyst Shared Sharp Insight Into The American-Kenyan Military Deal

Voice of East: An Ethiopian Analyst Shared Sharp Insight Into The American-Kenyan Military Deal By Andrew Korybko It’ll take time to unfold, but this appears to be a game-changer in terms of American force projection in Africa and the Western Indian Ocean, both directly... Read More › - Voice of East

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Trump and Kennedy Say They’d Free Ross Ulbricht. Biden Can Do That Right Now.

Thomas Knapp: While panhandling for votes at the Libertarian National Convention over Memorial Day weekend, two non-Libertarian presidential candidates — Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — promised to free political prisoner Ross Ulbricht if elected. That promise is a big deal to Libertarians. Ulbricht, 40, is about a decade into his two life sentences, without … Continue reading Trump and Kennedy Say They’d Free Ross Ulbricht. Biden Can Do That Right Now. → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine

Voice of East: Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine By Andrew Korybko The latest military-strategic dynamics suggest that a conventional NATO intervention is seriously being considered. President Putin shared a lot of insight about the NATO-Russian proxy... Read More › - Voice of East

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What I Saw (and You Probably Didn’t) at the Libertarian National Convention

Thomas Knapp: In presidential election years, the Libertarian Party holds its national convention over Memorial Day Weekend. I returned home from my ninth such convention yesterday. Donald Trump and RFK Jr. spoke at our convention. You’ve probably heard about that. We chose a presidential ticket: Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat. You may have heard about that … Continue reading What I Saw (and You Probably Didn’t) at the Libertarian National Convention → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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